Contact Information

NRTI as we knew it is no more, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Technically, I'm still employed by the College, though am enjoying a paid hiatus, and working on everything I couldn't work on when I was spending 70 hours a week running the Program, like cleaning up from the tornado that hit, what, 7 years ago now? I'm also commissioned with a nearby county agency, actually answering to one of the more popular instructors, so I'm still trying to keep my hand in.

I'll continue to post information and news from grads and friends, and also want to keep current with LE news and references.

My College phone and e-mail are pretty much out of service, so I'll be setting up yet another account , so we can stay in touch.

Friday, October 3, 2014

An Update?

I'm still hanging loose, while negotiations continue with the College.  I'm going to shift more attention to my Facebook Page, that would be my Page, not whatever the other thing is called, because that always seems to get more traffic, even though it doesn't have the flexibility and utility that this blog does.  I don't know maybe I'll switch back, or maybe i'll just live in a hole in the ground and burn animal fat for light.

Bill DeWeese and the Remains of the National Ranger Training Institute

Friday, August 29, 2014

Petition to President Obama


I got sucked into the whole "militarization" of the police schtick when the Cato Institute report was released a fairly long time ago.  I've debated writing an editorial or article, but we know facts don't matter in issues like this.  It's optics and illusions.  We've been using variants of the same equipment for centuries, but the public, press and politicians ignore the main area we've changed in: training and management.  I daresay that at no time in American policing has as much administrative and training emphasis been placed on the cultural and social aspect of our role as a means of social control, particularly when it comes to race, ethnicity and demographics.  We've also undergone a quantum change in law and policy regarding the use of force in any given situation.  People want us to return to Mayberry - style policing, but forget that as that program was running from 1968 to 1971 America as a nation was undergoing drastic and often traumatic changes in the social and civil rights arenas.  It was a time of untrained attack dogs, CN, water cannons and hickory to the head.  Your performance was evaluated on how many stitches you accounted for, and you likely didn't document anything, because to paraphrase one chief from just slightly before then, writing wasn't important because he didn't want cops who thought too much.

Remember, we are always on camera.  Also remember not to get too frustrated.  Petitions are easy to start, and closed minds can't be opened with the jaws of life.  If the job was easy, politicians and activists could do it.  Literally, always fight the good fight.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

HAN 364: Guidelines for Evaluation of US Patients Suspected of Having Ebola Virus Disease

Anyone working an international border, port of entry or where human smuggling from overseas is an issue needs to pay attention.  Ebola is RBS.

HAN 364: Guidelines for Evaluation of US Patients Suspected of Having Ebola Virus Disease

Monday, July 21, 2014

Returning Home|Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

Those of you working in storm prone areas may want to be able to refer the public to some of this info.  Of course, if they have electricity and internet access they probably don't need it, but I'm pretty sure the CDC has printable info sheets somewhere.

Returning Home|Natural Disasters and Severe Weather

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Science Graphic of the Week: Hummingbird Wing Aerodynamics | Science | WIRED

I wrote something about how much I admired hummingbirds a couple years ago - they're fast, fierce and maybe not so bright, all things I can relate to.

Science Graphic of the Week: Hummingbird Wing Aerodynamics | Science | WIRED

Monday, July 7, 2014

Marine's wife disappears at Joshua Tree Natl. Park -

I believe that there is still a Marine missing from one of the training areas around Twenty Nine Palms / Joshua Tree.

Marine's wife disappears at Joshua Tree Natl. Park -

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tropical Storm Arthur

To all our brethren and sisteren on the East Coast, watch yourselves.  Rip currents are predicted to be high, which means don't get in over your head trying to fish out somebody else who did - that's why they invented the jet ski.  And if at all possible, try to keep my Hatteras vacation cottage from landing in  Tennessee.  And keep your truck above the high tide line plus: you know who you are.

And a safe Fourth to the Village of Ocracoke.

Tropical Storm Arthur

Implications for Pill Mill Enforcement

Opioid Painkiller Prescribing | Vital Signs

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More Proof that the Park Service Hates Me

Unmanned Aircraft to be Prohibited in America’s National Parks
WASHINGTON – National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis today signed a policy memorandum that directs superintendents nationwide to prohibit launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service. 
“We embrace many activities in national parks because they enhance visitor experiences with the iconic natural, historic and cultural landscapes in our care,” Jarvis said. “However, we have serious concerns about the negative impact that flying unmanned aircraft is having in parks, so we are prohibiting their use until we can determine the most appropriate policy that will protect park resources and provide all visitors with a rich experience.”

Now where will I fly my Predator?  The College?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Things I Learned Working a Detail in the Hollers of SE Ohio

  • Every K9 cars smells like dog ass, but some are worse than others.
  • If your partner knows that you get queasy at the smell of decomp, every stop made will be next to a rotting deer carcass.  If your partner doesn't know that you get queasy at the smell of decomp, every stop made will be next to a rotting deer carcass.
  • With all the advances in technology, radios work just as badly as they did a quarter century ago.
  • Humans haven't evolved at all since I was last a road cop.
  • Watch out for that ditch - it's still there.
  • Don't do drugs if you are 9 months pregnant, at least not on the day the cops stop you.  At the very least, not on the night the cops stop you.
  • If you stop a car and one of the occupants is 9 months pregnant,  immediately form a prayer circle and beg that she doesn't go into labor.  And ask how many kids she's already had - this one might just slide out without warning, preceded by baggies of meth, heroin and pills.
  • If you find a piece of really cool, elaborate and fragile drug paraphernalia, and it's 3:00 AM, and dew is starting to collect on the hood of a cruiser, and it's slightly sloped, don't set it there.  Just don't.
  • If a person has been in 3 prisons, and tells you that they are "rehabilitated," they aren't.
  • Young whippersnapper cops don't know how good that have it.  Now that guys all wear baggy shorts with no belts that hang down around their ankles, they are a lot easier to search than back when everything was tight and held on with 14 studded leather belts, each one of which had at least a dozen carpet tacks sticking out through it to stab your hands.
  • Apparently somewhere in time, driver's licenses became optional, or so it seems, or maybe there's a handout at the License Bureau that makes it sound like a Bedroom Drawer License.
    • When I ask" do you have a license?" i'm asking if you have met the legal and physical requirements to earn a permit.
    • I will then ask "where's it at?"  THAT'S when you tell me it's in a dresser drawer at yours MawMaw's house.  That's also where I'll be thinking the gun and unanswered Notices To Appear are.
Great time, thanks to Luke J, and his partner for not eating me.

CDC - Lyme Disease Home Page

We're already past the start of Tick season and I haven't even started a Confirmed Kill Jar.  News to me, the vaccine is no longer available; therefore I mistakenly told at least one LEO that it was.  He shared that his doc put him on a low dose of doxyxcline as a preventative against Lyme Disease.  Technically, that would be a "prophylactic" dose, but knowing what would happen if I used the word "prophylactic," I chose not to.

CDC - Lyme Disease Home Page

Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke | Features | CDC

I did not know about "dust masks" being ineffective - I don't know if that includes N95 grade masks also, maybe one of the WFFs out there can tell us.

Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke | Features | CDC

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Video of Carter Rhodes, Jr. incident released - KALB-TV News Channel 5 & CBS 2

An excellent example of the time involved in critical incident decision making, and in my opinion, a "good" shooting, as defined by the good guy emerging unscathed.  If anything, the officer waited for quite a while, relatively speaking, after the attacker displayed a weapon, means and intent.  Hesitation gets us killed.  It also shows the value of a hit to the pelvic girdle, which if properly placed and an effective round, disable's the attacker's ability to advance, at least at anything more than a crawl.  There my be something to be said for zippering an attacker as soon as our sights cover meat and firing while moving up to center mass, if not the head.

The article says a civil suit is still pending - I wonder who is suing whom

Video of Carter Rhodes, Jr. incident released - KALB-TV News Channel 5 & CBS 2

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Challenge of Policing in a Democratic Society

Remember who we ultimately work for….
 "The Challenge of Policing in a Democratic Society: A Personal Journey Toward Understanding"