Contact Information

NRTI as we knew it is no more, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Technically, I'm still employed by the College, though am enjoying a paid hiatus, and working on everything I couldn't work on when I was spending 70 hours a week running the Program, like cleaning up from the tornado that hit, what, 7 years ago now? I'm also commissioned with a nearby county agency, actually answering to one of the more popular instructors, so I'm still trying to keep my hand in.

I'll continue to post information and news from grads and friends, and also want to keep current with LE news and references.

My College phone and e-mail are pretty much out of service, so I'll be setting up yet another account , so we can stay in touch.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ariz. sheriff expects armed conflict with cartels soon

I'm not really "recommending" this so much as holding it up as an example of pure polit-speak. OF COURSE there are going to be "armed conflicts" with drug runners and human traffickers along the border. There have been since the Westward Expansion, and were before that between the Native Americans, the native Mexicans and the Spanish. Read Charlie Askin's account of the Border in the mid 20th century, if you want the serial killer / cop perspective. Read the history of the Texas Rangers. Read Wambaugh's "Lines and Shadows." Study the murder of NPS Ranger Kris Eggle.
Study Pershing's Punitive Expedition. None of this is new, or news, it's the natural order when a wealthy, free country immediately abuts a poor country sliding towards anarchy.

My personal opinion is that the DHS has probably made us less secure, by creating a bloated bueareaucray that throws money and toys at a social problem and expects that to fix it. I'm not sure that Janet Napolitano has the qualifications to manage security at the local Sunoco station, but essentially she is correct; We have never had the number of LEOs, seismic detectors, urine sniffing intrusion alarms, aerostat blimps, predator drones, anti-submarine forces, thermal cameras, fusion centers, $100,000 dune buggies and Ford Raptor pickup trucks deployed along the southern border at any time before.

I'll stop now, an illegal just stole my soapbox for firewood.

Ariz. sheriff expects armed conflict with cartels soon

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