Contact Information

NRTI as we knew it is no more, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Technically, I'm still employed by the College, though am enjoying a paid hiatus, and working on everything I couldn't work on when I was spending 70 hours a week running the Program, like cleaning up from the tornado that hit, what, 7 years ago now? I'm also commissioned with a nearby county agency, actually answering to one of the more popular instructors, so I'm still trying to keep my hand in.

I'll continue to post information and news from grads and friends, and also want to keep current with LE news and references.

My College phone and e-mail are pretty much out of service, so I'll be setting up yet another account , so we can stay in touch.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wanted Man Commits Suicide In Park

I usually avoid snide remarks in cases like this - it is by no means unusual for sex offenders to punch their own tickets.  But who ties a rope to a belt to make a noose?  I haven't heard of that before, maybe the branches were out of reach, or, more likely, he had a history of autoerotic axphyxiation.  In those cases I ALWAYS made snide comments, until my childhood hero, Kwai Chang Kane, tied his knot wrong. 
Wanted Man Commits Suicide In Park

Rangers on patrol in the Buttermilk Falls area of the park just before midnight on Sunday came upon a white Ford Ranger pickup parked in the falls parking lot, which closes to public use at 10 p.m. When they approached the vehicle, they saw a rope hanging from a large tree limb toward one side of the truck’s rear. Behind the truck, they discovered a man’s body with the rope tied to a belt around his neck. The New Jersey State Police and the state medical examiner’s office were notified and joined the investigation. A records search revealed that the 32-year-old man had an outstanding felony warrant for child molestation and child pornography out against him, extraditable in all 50 states.

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