Contact Information

NRTI as we knew it is no more, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Technically, I'm still employed by the College, though am enjoying a paid hiatus, and working on everything I couldn't work on when I was spending 70 hours a week running the Program, like cleaning up from the tornado that hit, what, 7 years ago now? I'm also commissioned with a nearby county agency, actually answering to one of the more popular instructors, so I'm still trying to keep my hand in.

I'll continue to post information and news from grads and friends, and also want to keep current with LE news and references.

My College phone and e-mail are pretty much out of service, so I'll be setting up yet another account , so we can stay in touch.

Friday, January 21, 2011

RAP20 Classes Canceled, Friday 01/21/11

Hocking College has canceled classes today, so the Academy just got it's second 3-day weekend in a row, dammit.  Next week's classes will run as scheduled, and today's class will be rescheduled, assuming no further climatic trauma, active volcanoes, meteor strikes, etc.

I'll be off campus Monday and Tuesday at a conference.  Connie can get in touch with me if needed.

Note to self: as long as I live on a mountain top, do not put 4wd truck in body shop for 2 weeks of repairs in dead of winter,.  The FWD rental sled gets around fine, until I get to my own driveway.

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