Contact Information

NRTI as we knew it is no more, and I don't know what will happen in the future. Technically, I'm still employed by the College, though am enjoying a paid hiatus, and working on everything I couldn't work on when I was spending 70 hours a week running the Program, like cleaning up from the tornado that hit, what, 7 years ago now? I'm also commissioned with a nearby county agency, actually answering to one of the more popular instructors, so I'm still trying to keep my hand in.

I'll continue to post information and news from grads and friends, and also want to keep current with LE news and references.

My College phone and e-mail are pretty much out of service, so I'll be setting up yet another account , so we can stay in touch.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I have No Idea of How Good or Bad This Job Could Be:

Seasonal Police Officer - Bethany Beach, DE

Position Type
Position Title
Police Officer
Seasonal Police Officer

Requirements: You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age, have a valid driver's license and be free from any criminal arrest or felony traffic arrest. Prior to being hired you must satisfactorily complete a written test, oral interview, voice stress analysis test (poly-graph), psychological examination, Doctor's physical with drug screening, and a physical fitness test, passing weight and height standards. All testing is designed to hire the best applicant possible and is exactly what any full-time officer must complete before being hired. All testing is set up and supervised by the Bethany Beach Police Dept. Once you have completed all necessary testing you are eligible for selection for the seasonal officer position. These are very competitive positions and limited positions are available. Once hires have been made the testing process will end. Those who apply early and complete testing will be evaluated for hire first.
Additional Information

As a seasonal police officer, you will enforce all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances for the State of Delaware and the Town of Bethany Beach. You will conduct patrol on specific areas on foot and utilizing bicycles. During patrols you will check doors and windows of residences and businesses. Investigate any suspicious conditions and complaints and make arrests in felony, misdemeanor, and city violation cases that you encounter. Possibly perform plainclothes assignments to detect illegal activities if the administration deems necessary. Prosecute cases before the Alderman's Court of the Town of Bethany Beach, Justice of the Peace Courts, Family Court, Court of Common Pleas, and Superior Court. Direct traffic when necessary and perform all duties as directed by the Chief of Police or your direct supervisor.
For more information, email

$ 10.50 /hr
Posting Date

Closing Date

Job Last Updated

Job Announcement/More Information Web Site

Department/County Web Site


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